Nasi Rames Of Pasundan Train Yogyakarta

Nasi Rames
Back reported from the top of the train . This time I headed to the city of Yogyakarta gudeg use Pasundan Train . Because I am hungry and there is no merchant that pass near my seat , I decided to move to the dining car . After looking at the prices and the menu I decided to order the Nasi Rames Pasundan . Overview menu is similar to rice mix . There omelet , meat seasoning , fried noodles , pickles , chili sauce , and prawn crackers . Better order this than nasi goreng . Lol . The size is tolerable . Simply fill my stomach . Meat is also tender . Although only a little and it feels less stable . Overall tasty . Also quite spicy sauces . So it makes me more eager to spend it . Lol .
A plate of Nasi Rames Pasundan is priced at IDR 15,000 , - . Quite comparable with the contents which already includes meat seasoning , fried egg and prawn crackers . Add Ice Tea IDR 5.000 , - total for a meal in the dining car restaurant train Pasundan IDR 20.000 , - . Not bad huh ? Which is clearly more secure than purchasing in the merchant - traders has paced the carriage . Interested in trying ? If traveling from Surabaya to Yogyakarta or Bandung use Pasundan Railway Economics , you can go straight to the dining car to enjoy this menu . Good luck . ^ ^

Follow Twitter Jalan Sambil Jajan @JalanPlusJajan for better information. ^^

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