Low Cost Hotel - Homestay 105 Yogyakarta

Homestay 105
Need a place to stay in Yogyakarta but limited funds? Maybe this is one solution that is right for friends. Homestay 105. The Inn is located in this area has Sosrowijaya Wetan affordable price. Starting from IDR 80.000, - per night up to IDR 100,000, - per night. For room for IDR 80.000, - has facilities such as a bed, a bathroom, and a fan. For room for IDR 90,000, - have facilities such as room IDR 80.000, - per night with an additional television. Then to room for IDR 100.000, - has facilities such as a bed, bathroom, television, and air conditioning. All the prices already include breakfast. Quite affordable right?
To get to the Homestay 105 from Jalan Malioboro just follow the road until it finds the Way Sosrowijayan Wetan. It is far from the Tugu Station? Not really. Walking up to a minute as well. Lol. If you've found this way next you can find the way to find the Gang 1.
Sosrowijayan Wetan Gang 1
If you've found the Sosrowijayan Wetan Gang 1, you can just go into the alley and then down it. Far? Not really. Find a sign saying "Home 105" or "Penginapan 105" or "Losmen 105". After reaching Homestay 105 immediately wrote a message for putting luggage so you can instantly start your adventure in Yogyakarta Yogyakarta. Lol.


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